Hello Freedom Family,
You may be asking yourself, "Should I get involved to stand up for medical freedom or just sit back and wait to see what happens?"
Well, I think we have learned over the last 3 years that our government has more control over us than we originally had thought possible. Therefore, being involved in local and state government is a valuable way to stay informed and have a voice in your community's decisions, including who will be elected to represent your voice and values. It's an important civic duty and aligns with principles of civic engagement and responsibility.
I am including a grade card determined by Ohio Advocates for medical Freedom, so that you will know how your representative feels about medical freedom... https://2182320f-f4df-4150-a965-cded920baa9c.usrfiles.com/ugd/218232_111b416e03394ffa924b5945605e2d71.pdf
In Ohio, you can also get involved by going to www.medicalright2refuse.com and joining the medical right to refuse facebook group.
If you are not in Ohio, do some research and find out who is speaking up regarding medical freedom in your state.
If you have any questions... you can reach me at ashirkrn@amerihearts.com
Also, I will be on a podcast on Wellness Uncensored. You can listen in live on IHeart radio, apple podcast, spotify on 9/28/23 at 3pm EST
and I will be speaking at We the People SW Ohio Freedom Festival at Preble County Fairgrounds on Oct 14th and Oct 15th 2023. Many other speakers will be there as well, including Dr Alan Keyes. This is a family friendly event with music, food, and games. All Freedom lovers are welcome.
Much love,